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SB: Personalized Medicine

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Stress in America

APA has links to tons of articles and reports about stress with good diagrams and charts etc.

Fight or Flight                                                                         YOUTUBE


Iowa State mobile mental health program teaches students stress-management skills                                                               AMES TRIBUNE

Military’s new initiative aims to ease moving stress for families                                                                                                 CHRONICAL HERALD

Top 10 Secrets about Health and Stress  

                                                                                     DISCOVER MAGAZINE

Gene which decreases risk of social network-related stress, increases finance-related stress risk                                               SCIENCE DAILY

The Food That Helps Battle Depression         WALL STREET JOURNAL

How to Be Creative When You’re Feeling Stressed

                                                             HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW

TOPIC Expert Coping with Stress                                 FPSPI

Student-athletes cope with the stress of endless schedules                                                                                                    NCCLINKED

You need more eustress in your life               MOTHER NATURE NEWS

Four-day week: trial finds lower stress and increased productivity                                                                                         THE GUARDIAN

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